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Backlink Analysis – Detect & Remove Risky Links

For most companies, good search engine rankings are indispensable – after all, they deliver valuable visitors and thus the chance of orders and sales. For TOP rankings to be possible at all, the website must have a strong but also clean link profile. Within the framework of a backlink analysis, the existing links are analyzed and evaluated. Subsequently, the link profile is cleaned by devaluing risky links.

Backlink Analysis - Detect & Remove Risky Links

☑️ Why is a backlink analysis important?

Over the years, the link profile of a website keeps growing. Besides good links, bad links also accumulate in the process. There are various reasons for this, which we will go into in a moment.

For Google, aclean backlink profile consisting of strong links from reputable websites is very important to evaluate the relevance of a website for search results.

Why can bad or risky links appear in a link profile?

  • Google’s evaluation standards have changed over the years: A link that was considered positive years ago can now be classified as toxic (toxic in this context means that the link has a harmful effect – we will go into possible reasons for this below).
  • Another reason for problematic links can be SEO service providers who have built links in the past with a focus on mass instead of class.
  • Negative SEO actions by the competition can also provide toxic backlinks.
  • Careless link buying can also create backlinks that Google classifies as problematic. The danger is especially high if the purchased links come from low-quality link sources.

So that such links do not worsen the link profile and hinder the way to the TOP rankings, they should be uncovered with a backlink analysis and then eliminated. We are also happy to carry out further measures for Offpage SEO for you.

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☑️ How does a backlink analysis work?

Our SEO experts will take a look at your link profile as part of a detailed analysis. In the process, every single backlink is checked and evaluated, which is the only way to ensure that the link profile is cleansed of toxic backlinks.

In the first step our SEO experts collect the backlink data. For this purpose, we use various sources to obtain as complete a database as possible. An important source is the Google Search Console, which is offered by the search engine itself. As further data sources we use LinkResearchTools, Moz, Sistrix, searchmetrics, semrush, majestic and ahrefs. We merge and combine the data from the different tools. For each individual backlink, the most important SEO key figures are queried – it is particularly important for us how Google evaluates the link-giving page and whether the page and the link are trustworthy.

The individual backlinks are then classified by our SEO experts – into trustworthy links, suspicious links and problematic or toxic backlinks. We also use corresponding evaluation algorithms of the tools as support – but the final classification is always performed by the expertise of our SEO experts.

When it comes to identifying and evaluating toxic links, LinkResearchTools’ Link Detox Tool is of particular importance to our work: the Link Detox Tool evaluates over 25 backlink sources and thus generates incredibly good data quality. It also employs more than 150 SEO metrics to evaluate links and has the experience and data of several 10,000 Google penalties. It is used by gladly and is an important decision support for our SEO experts.

The result of our link audit is a list of links that are problematic from our point of view and endanger the ranking success. These links should be invalidated as soon as possible so that Google no longer pays attention to them. We are also happy to perform the actual devaluation and pave the way to sustainable TOP rankings.

Important to know: Our SEO experts not only have the theoretical knowledge of search engine optimization. Over the years, we have been allowed to accompany countless SEO projects and have been able to accumulate extensive practical knowledge. Even in competitive environments and highly problematic subject areas, we have sufficient experience and are available as a competent partner.

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☑️ Backlink analysis against Google punishment

Anyone who overdoes it or overdoes it with link building runs the risk of being penalized by Google. For companies, this event is particularly annoying, after all, it is accompanied by the (partial) loss of rankings.

A link audit is the means of choice when it comes to ending a penalty by Google: Within the scope of such an audit, problematic backlinks are identified and devalued. After invalidation, they no longer provide unnatural SEO signals and give Google a chance to stop taking action against the page.

Your website is affected by a Google penalty? We will be happy to help you with a link audit and bring your website back to the top of the search results. Let our experienced SEO experts check your backlink profile carefully! We have already helped many companies out of Google penalty.

Our backlink analysis can also be used to prophylactically counteract a Google penalty. Regularly checking your own link profile ensures that you can counteract a problematic development of the same at a very early stage. Regular backlink analysis can thus be used as a hygiene measure for good search engine rankings. We would be happy to perform a backlink analysis for your domain on a regular basis – we would also be happy to advise you on the interval.

During the backlink analysis we also estimate the quality and risk backlink profile as a whole. As opposed to analyzing individual links, we look to see if your link profile looks natural and high quality. This holistic view is just as important as the link view in detail. You can be assured that we can perform a meaningful assessment as part of a holistic review and a single link assessment using our vast expertise.

Backlink Analyse – Toxische Links identifizieren
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☑️ Google Backlink Analysis

For our backlink analysis, we put ourselves in Google’s point of view. In this way, we try to uncover which links could have a negative effect from Google’s point of view and which ones have a particularly positive influence on the ranking. Based on this analysis, we can make recommendations for breaking down and building certain links.

Why is a Google Backlink Analysis so important? The search engine leader is most often used in Google to search for information, services and products. Those who are found at the top of the search results benefit from additional visitors and the opportunities for more orders and sales. In order to be positively evaluated by Google’s rating algorithm, a company must pay attention to a lot of aspects on and off its website. The evaluation of incoming links has a great impact on the ranking. That is why it is so important that the backlink profile is positively evaluated by the search engines.

With the Google Backlink Analysis we check your incoming links for value and a possible toxic effect. Outdated link building techniques that tended to rely on mass rather than class can now have problematic effects. This makes it all the more important to critically examine the links that were built up at that time. If a link appears unnatural or does not comply with the guidelines, consider removing the link. Another option is to have the link declared invalid by Google.

Over the years, we have performed several Google backlink analyses – our SEO experts can judge link profiles very well. Many of our clients benefit from our backlink analysis by increasing visibility. Our SEO experts are looking forward to your call.

Experten sind sich einig:
Backlinks sind wichtig für Ihr Ranking

„Links sind für Google ein wichtiges Kriterium, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit einer Webseite zu bestimmen.”


„Wer in Googles Suchergebnissen die Pole Position für sich beanspruchen will, kommt um Linkbuilding nur schwer herum.”

t3n – digital pioneers

„Sie [Backlinks] verhelfen Ihnen zu höheren Rankings.”

„Backlinks bleiben weiterhin Rankinfaktor”

t3n – digital pioneers

„Das Thema Linkbuilding wird also weiterhin ein relevanter Bestandteil der Suchmaschinenoptimierung bleiben.”

t3n – digital pioneers

„Andrey Lipattsev bestätigt, dass Google nur zwei wesentliche Faktoren hat. Links und Content.”

Google Googler

„Man kann nicht zu viel Linkaufbau betreiben”

Matt Cutts / Google Search Central

„Ranking ohne Links ist echt ur schwer. Nicht unmöglich, aber wirklich schwer.”

Gary Illyes, Chief of Sunshine and Happiness bei Google

„Links sind ganz besonders wichtig für Google, denn so entdecken wir den Rest Ihrer Website.”

John Mueller, Webmaster Trends Analyst bei Google

„Backlinks [sind] auch heute noch einer der wichtigsten Rankingfaktoren für Google.”

Matt Cutts

„Links sind Googles Rankingfaktor #1”

Christoph Cemper (LTR)

„Backlinks are especially valuable for SEO because they represent a “vote of confidence” from one site to another.”


„Yes, backlinks are 100% important for SEO.”


„Backlinks sind nach wie vor einer der wichtistgen Faktoren für TOP Google Rankings. Bei den Profis von performanceLiebe ist das Thema gut aufgehoben.”

Fabian Rossbacher – Macher des SEO Days

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☑️ Link Audit against Negative SEO

In some industries, competition is fierce – so it’s no surprise that unfair means are also used. With Negative SEO, companies try to make their competitors’ websites crash in search results. The competitor’s backlink profile is unbalanced for this with low-quality backlinks. The perfidious thing about this tactic is that without the corresponding experience, many companies do not even recognize that they have become a victim of such an attack – and do not even begin to react to it.

We will be happy to check if your website is affected by Negative SEO. If this is the case, we find malicious links as part of a thorough link audit and devalue them via the Google Disavow Tool. Our numerous and extensive backlink sources help track down all Negative SEO links.

Once you are affected by Negative SEO, we recommend repeating the link audit regularly. This is the only way to ensure that future attacks do not go undetected.

Negative SEO can have a serious impact on a domain’s rankings in search results – and thus a major impact on its bottom line. With one, you protect your valuable placements from sneaky attacks.

We often receive the question whether Negative SEO is used frequently. We find over the years that this malicious technique is used on a regular basis. This is unfortunately also related to the fact that search engines are not as good at detecting such Negative SEO attacks as they claim. Such negative SEO measures can cause serious damage: Losing good rankings and thus a drop in sales are tangible monetary damages. Inexperienced or ignorant companies are particularly hard hit by such measures, they do not even consider the possibility of Negative SEO and therefore do not undertake regular checks.

We can recommend the regular execution of a backlink analysis to every company that seriously wants to appear on the Internet. We are happy to be your competent contact partner, who carries out well-founded backlink analysis with extensive expertise and years of experience.

☑️ Does Google love backlinks?

Anyone who is involved in online marketing and comes across the topic of search engine optimization will have the feeling that the Google search engine loves backlinks – what is the truth of this question?

Google has worked out several hundred ranking factors over the years, which they use to determine the relevance and value of websites. The main question is always which domain should (or should not) rank for which keywords. A large number of these factors relate to the technical and content design of the website. How is the source code designed, how well are the texts written? But in addition to the factors that affect the own website, Google and Co also assess external factors.

An important external factor for assessing the relevance of a website is the link profile of a domain. This summarizes the number and the value of incoming backlinks of a domain.

Over the years, Google has found that the number of high-quality backlinks is a relevant evaluation criterion. In competitive fields, more and more website owners rely on a strong link profile and ensure a large number of strong referring backlinks.

Back to the initial question: Does Google love backlinks? Google recognized the importance of backlinks in determining the relevance of web pages many years ago. Therefore, it is not surprising if this is still one of the most important ranking factors today. If you want to be found on Google, you cannot avoid building effective backlinks. We support our clients and make sure that they or their websites are loved by search engines.

We make sure that Google recognizes the relevance of your company and that you appear on the top of the search results. To achieve this, our SEO experts not only use their years of experience and the industry’s leading SEO tools. Over the many years of our operation, we have built an extensive portfolio of high quality backlinks. There are more than 25,000 link sources for our customers to choose from. We have defined strict quality guidelines for the construction of our portfolio. Each new link source undergoes extensive analysis and must withstand both the watchful eye of our backlink experts and top scores in market-leading SEO tools. In order to be able to guarantee our high quality standards, all domains in our portfolio are regularly checked – after all, we only want to offer our customers the best.

Google loves backlinks? We ensure with the appropriate backlinks that Google loves and ranks your domain. With us you will achieve excellent rankings with relevant keywords in the search results.

☑️ Link evaluation

Our SEO experts have many years of experience and can perform a sound link evaluation. A link evaluation refers either to new planned links for a page or to the existing link profile.

The procedure is identical in both cases: Our SEO experts look at the relevant link metrics of the backlinks. A special role is played by the quality of the linked page – and its backlinks.

We have been working as an SEO agency Hamburg for many years and help our customers to achieve first-class rankings in the search results. Over time, we have been able to build up a wealth of experience and can judge exactly which links work in which context. We are happy to use this knowledge in future projects. You too can benefit from our expertise with a sound link evaluation.

A link evaluation is also always done in the context of a backlink analysis – the latter is, after all, about researching incoming links and examining them. Once all incoming links have been discovered and logged using suitable tools, they are examined for their impact.

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☑️ Link removal for better rankings

In search engine optimization, much revolves around link building, for example by a link building agency, and link mining is sometimes forgotten. The latter can also contribute a lot to better rankings. In the course of time a link profile grows continuously, unfortunately not only good backlinks accumulate – also some problematic ones join. Since SEO criteria change regularly, even formerly good backlinks can turn into bad ones.

Link mining involves the removal of toxic and supposedly toxic backlinks. This will attempt to have the link deleted from the link-giving page. With the link removal, the SEO signal of the problematic backlink also disappears.

Toxic backlinks are links that can harm the target page. For example, because the link source is dubious, has dubious links itself or suffers from a Google penalty. The bad SEO signals transfer to the target page through the toxic link and thus can negatively affect the backlink profile.

If a problematic backlink cannot be removed, it must be devalued. For this process, the Google search engine provides the Google Disavow Tool. The links to be invalidated will be submitted to the search engine prime in a predefined format. After processing, Google ignores the invalidated links.

We take over the link removal of harmful backlinks for you: From the identification of the problematic links to the removal or devaluation, we take care of the entire process.

Order link removal now!
Link Detox - Examine all of your website's links through DTOXRISK® calculations and recommended link check priorities.

☑️ Validate links

If backlinks do not meet the high quality criteria, they can be harmful for the target page – and thus endanger the rankings in the search results. This risk can have drastic economic consequences; after all, good rankings are a prime channel for acquiring new customers.

If a link audit determines that a link is harmful to the website, the corresponding link should be invalidated. The Google Disavow tool is used for this process. Once the link score has been processed by Google, the search engine no longer considers these links in its ranking algorithms – thus suspending the effect of problematic links and strengthening the link profile.

De-valuing toxic links requires the utmost care and extensive experience. Errors here can lead to serious consequences for the rankings of a domain. Our SEO experts know how to devalue links. We will be happy to take over this task for you and ensure that the cancellation is submitted correctly and that there are no complications. Contact us today and ask our SEO experts for assistance with invalidating problematic links.

Link Detox Boost - Drastically assists you with recovery and working through Disavowed Links.

☑️ Backlinks Analysis Cost

The costs of a backlink analysis depend on the number of backlinks and can therefore not be given in advance as a lump sum. We will be happy to analyze the number of your backlinks and make you a concrete offer.

Our experience shows that the cost of a backlink analysis is quickly amortized. After a successful link audit, rankings improve and traffic grows. The increase in visitors is usually followed by more conversions.

We will be happy to show you concrete examples of the successes that a link audit can lead to. Contact us to find out the cost of a link audit of your website.

Your personal contact
Patrick Tomforde
Managing Director & SEO expert
Rainer Naranjo
Managing Director

Do you need individual advice? Or do you have a question about our SEO services? Do not hesitate and contact us!

Gladly also by phone:

+49 151 6780 4293 Contact now!

☑️ Professional Link Risk Management

Are you unsure how risky your previous link building measures are and what effects they have on your link profile? Then it’s time for professional link risk management – we analyze your link profile and give you detailed information about how risky your backlinks are.

For the link risk management we classify all backlinks of your website regarding their quality, effectiveness and possible risk potential. With this listing you have an exact overview of how many problematic backlinks point to your domain.

We will be happy to advise you on sensible and further measures on the basis of this data. If your link profile shows too many toxic links, we recommend a targeted link removal or the devaluation of the corresponding links. In many other cases, rankings can be further increased through link building. As a link building agency, we are also happy to be your competent contact in this area.

☑️ What does a good backlinks strategy look like?

To be on top of Google, good content and excellent onpage optimization alone have not been enough for a long time. More and more companies have recognized this development and rely on backlink strategies to get to the top of the search engines. For many companies, however, the question arises, what does a good backlinks strategy look like?

  • A good backlinks strategy should always be individually tailored to the company or domain. Because the one backlink strategy that works for every domain simply does not exist.
  • At the beginning, a status quo analysis must be performed, in which the current link profile is checked. Here we look at which links already exist and what quality they have. This is the only way to make a valid statement about future measures.
  • Subsequently, suitable backlink sources are collected. Suitability is understood to mean both the quality and the topic of the link source.
  • In the backlinks strategy, the links to be built are structured in a schedule and proposed to the client.

You not only want to know what a good backlinks strategy looks like, but you want to get one worked out for your domain? Our SEO experts have many years of experience and are well versed in successful link building.

A phone call or an email is all it takes and our link building experts will get to work on the individual strategy. With our industry-leading SEO tools, our many years of practical experience and our extensive link source portfolio (over 25,000 TOP link sources), we provide expert and efficient support for offpage SEO optimization. With the backlinks strategies worked out by us you will reach the top places of the search results. Just get in touch with us

☑️ Backlink analysis for B2C companies

For companies in the business-to-customer sector, a clean backlink profile is very important – after all, these companies rely on good rankings in Google and other search engines. Because this way you get valuable visitors directly from your target group.

A thorough backlink analysis ensures that SEO sins from the past are uncovered and can be cleaned up. A thorough cleanup ensures that the backlink profile looks more natural and does not make a negative impression on the search engines.

Thanks to our years of experience, we are very familiar with the backlinks analysis of link profiles of business to customer companies. We are also happy to review the link profile of your website and analyze the existing links based on their effectiveness and risk factors.

☑️ Backlink analysis for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Especially for small and medium sized companies we offer a backlink analysis. As part of this process, our SEO experts use professional SEO tools to examine the company’s link profile. Every single link is examined to see if it helps the ranking of the domain or if it brings a risk. The latter can be the case, for example, if the link does not comply with Google’s guidelines and thus sends a negative ranking signal.

Our backlink analysis helps companies achieve an optimal link profile – and thus improve their visibility in the long term. Our SEO experts are also happy to take a look at the backlink profile of your domain – just contact us and trust our many years of experience.

Your personal contact
Patrick Tomforde
Managing Director & SEO expert
Rainer Naranjo
Managing Director

Do you need individual advice? Or do you have a question about our SEO services? Do not hesitate and contact us!

Gladly also by phone:

+49 151 6780 4293 Contact now!

☑️ Backlink Analysis Experience

Many of our customers have performed a thorough backlink analysis with us. Most of our clients already suspected that your backlink profile is problematic at one point or another. Particularly often, careless link building measures with previous service providers were a reason for commissioning a backlink analysis. Even those affected by negative SEO attacks turned to us with confidence. Here, competitors had built critical or toxic links for our customers.

Over the years, an online store had contracted various service providers for search engine optimization and link building. With each change of service provider, the link building strategy also changed. From as many links as possible in a short period of time, the next strategy also put the focus on high-quality links. Hybrid forms of these two strategies have also been used. Over time, a large number of links of varying quality and effectiveness accumulated. As part of our backlink analysis, we first create an overview of the incoming backlinks. We then proceeded to the evaluation, using market-leading backlink analysis tools as well as the expertise of our SEO experts. The results of the comprehensive study were prepared by us as a meaningful report and presented to the responsible online marketing manager at the online store. Together with him, we went through the report and discussed the individual links we deemed toxic. To resolve the effect of the problematic links, we then set about deconstructing them. If this was not possible or not economical, we declared these links invalid to Google. The store benefited from the cleaned backlink profile.

We performed an extensive backlink analysis for a service company in the B2B environment. The company complained in advance that the rankings in the Google search results were steadily dwindling, despite the fact that an intensive link building campaign was running in parallel. Our recommendation was to perform the backlink analysis mentioned earlier. Our SEO experts had to work their way through a large number of links of varying quality, as the company had built up a great many backlinks over the years of its existence. After evaluating every single link, the result of the backlink analysis was clear: some links were evaluated by us as very critical and subsequently removed or devalued. After some time, the rankings of this service provider improved.

☑️ Backlink Analysis at PerformanceLiebe

Rely on our many years of expertise – let us perform a backlink analysis and look forward to improving your visibility.

PerformanceLiebe’s eight-person team consists of experts in search engine optimization, link building and journalistic content. The agency is managed by Michael Jahn and Patrick Tomforde – both see link building as their passion and know the matter very well.

After link removal, we will be happy to help you, for example, if you want to buy backlinks. We are also the right partner for the development of an individual backlink strategy for your TOP rankings. By the way, if you are looking for a Google Ads agency, you have come to the right place.

Order Backlink Analysis now!

☑️ What is a backlink analysis?

A backlink analysis examines the incoming links of a domain regarding their quantity, quality and possible risk. Based on a backlink analysis, an SEO strategy can be derived or adapted.

As a rule, a backlink analysis is performed with the help of powerful SEO tools. In addition to Google Search Console, which is offered by the search engine leader itself, market-leading SEO tools process a variety of data sources – and also collect their own backlink data. By using as many high-quality data sources as possible, an attempt is made to create as comprehensive a picture of the backlink structure as possible.

A backlink analysis can help companies to discover weak points in their own backlink profile. The vulnerabilities can have a significant impact on the ranking success of a domain. Regular review of inbound links is an important part of a comprehensive SEO strategy. We will be happy to perform a detailed backlinks analysis at your site and discuss the results afterwards. Of course, we are also at your disposal in the follow-up and develop an efficient SEO strategy based on the analysis.

☑️ How do I find out who links to my website?

Over the years, websites accumulate more and more referring links, and the backlink profile continues to grow as a result. Since the company itself is not involved in the creation of every backlink (and in some cases is not even aware of it), you lose track of the backlink profile over time. In this case, the company no longer knows which links are pointing to its own domain, and in this case, it cannot think about the value of the profile.

To find out who is linking to your website, a backlink analysis is an ideal way. In the context of a backlinks analysis, it is examined which websites refer to one’s own domain. A detailed backlink analysis, as we do for our clients, also looks at the quantity and quality of the links. Are the linking sites reputable and are they considered valuable link sources by Google? The result of a backlink analysis shows our customers not only who is linking to their own website, but also assesses the links in terms of their value and risk. The result is an ideal basis for the creation and optimization of an efficient SEO campaign.

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☑️ When do backlinks work?

The question “When do backlinks work?” is frequently asked of us. Companies are interested in how long it takes for SEO campaigns to show their benefits. The question is actually quite simple to answer, especially if the consideration is to be aimed at the search engine leader Google.

Google considers links for determining rankings as soon as Google has crawled the link and processed it using its evaluation algorithms. How fast the crawling takes place depends on various factors – ins

But much more important than the question “When do backlinks work?” is the implementation of a sustainable SEO strategy.

Such a campaign achieves an excellent effect in the medium and long term, so it doesn’t matter whether a single link is evaluated a few weeks earlier or later.

Our SEO experts will be happy to help you study the effect of backlinks. As part of our backlink analysis, we also look at whether the links have a positive effect on the domain. We also identify supposedly harmful links. Based on the backlink analysis, we can then check which SEO measures are most effective for your company.

Our SEO experts are at your disposal if you want a meaningful backlink analysis – or have even more questions about the effect of backlinks. Thanks to our many years of experience in almost all industries, we can provide you with comprehensive and holistic advice.

☑️ Why should a backlink analysis be performed regularly?

A backlink analysis examines the entire link profile of a domain. It examines whether the incoming links have a good or bad effect on the ranking of the source domain.

How can it even happen that links can have a bad influence on the linked domain? A few years ago, Google was a bit more generous when it came to classifying and evaluating links – as a result, dubious backlink sources were unfortunately often resorted to in the context of SEO campaigns. Remnants of this link building tactic can still be seen on many websites today. Google’s attitude towards such low-quality links has changed in the meantime, however.

Companies and website owners are therefore well advised to identify and eliminate the remnants of these problematic SEO measures. Backlink analysis is the right step for exactly this use case.

Even the mean competitor can hope for bad links to the domains of their own company – with the aim to worsen the rankings of the domain. Backlink analysis is the tool of choice for this scenario as well.

The regular execution of the backlink analysis ensures that all current backlinks are checked according to the current SEO status. This is the only way to see whether a backlink source can now be classified as problematic or whether the links are no longer recommended due to a change in Google’s algorithms.

We are happy to perform an initial backlink analysis and repeat this thorough backlink check at a set interval. Of course, we also take over further measures after completion of the backlink analysis – our SEO experts know their stuff.

Your personal contact
Patrick Tomforde
Managing Director & SEO expert
Rainer Naranjo
Managing Director

Do you need individual advice? Or do you have a question about our SEO services? Do not hesitate and contact us!

Gladly also by phone:

+49 151 6780 4293 Contact now!

☑️ Backlink analysis: Quality counts instead of quantity

A critical backlink analysis screens the backlink profile of a domain and finds toxic links. During the analysis, each incoming link is checked for its effect. If the link is suspected of harming the domain and its backlink profile, it is marked as toxic.

Google and other search engines are becoming more and more critical when evaluating backlinks. A link that had a positive effect a few years ago can already be classified as very toxic today. When creating a backlink profile, nowadays more than ever you should focus on quality instead of quantity.

For the analysis we use tools specialized in backlink analysis. These have an extensive database and thus help in the initial assessment. In the second step, our SEO experts look over the individual links and make a final decision as to whether a link will benefit or harm the domain.

To cancel the effect of the toxic links, they must either be degraded or invalidated. Our SEO experts will be happy to help you with these measures or take care of further processing independently.

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Patrick Tomforde
Managing Director
Tel.: +49 4161 / 722 39 20
Mobil: +49 170 / 1788 324
  • More than 12 years of experience
  • Building high-quality backlinks
  • Lectures at the Chamber of Commerce, among others
  • Speaker at international SEO conferences
Rainer Naranjo
Managing Director
Tel.: +49 4161 / 722 39 20
Mobil: +49 151 / 6780 4293
  • Certification as an LRT Associate
  • Specialist lectures at business associations
  • Link building expert